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  • Team of Experts at your service.
  • Same Day Delivery.
  • Top Rated Reviews.
  • 7 Day Money Back Guarantee.
7 Day Money Back Guarantee.
*if we can't find your manual

What We Do

The problem we have solved.
Did you lose a User Manual?
Don’t worry. We will find it for you.


Our mission is to search for you, any lost or misplaced user manuals from old and discontinued products from home appliances, tech, gardening & tools, vehicles, sewing machines and beyond.


Searching for a user manual often can be time-consuming, specially after a moving or relocating to a new home. Our specialized team will find the user manual you are looking for and send it conveniently to your email for just a ‘‘finders fee’’ from $9.99. If we can’t find your user manual, you will be refunded no questions asked.

How Our Service Works ?

Simple, fast, efficient.
1 Choose the manual category. Type in our search bar the brand and model of the product you are looking an user manual for.
2 One of our team specialists is assigned to search for your user manual.
3 Your user manual is sent conveniently to you by email.

All-UserManuals.com is a reliable and efficient solution to retrieving your lost user manuals.

Our specialized team are dedicated to help you find the right manual for the product you are looking for.
Finding for you any user manual is our mission.


These are some of the benefits of using our service:

A specialized team.

Trained with the sole objective to find user manuals and available at any time to communicate with you, our team of experts is always ready to help you find even the most hard-to-get user manuals.
Same Day Delivery.

Once we receive your order the clock start ticking for our experts to find your manual as fast as possible.
Worth it to give us a chance.

For just a ''finders fee'' from $9.99, if we find the user manual you are looking for.

Hundreds of people can’t be wrong. Customers like you have trusted us to help them with the task of finding lost user manuals.

Tech, Home, Garden & More

These are all the categories of products that our specialized team can help you to find the user manual you are looking for.

Home Appliance

Dishwasher, Washing Machine, Microwave Oven, Oven, Refrigerator, Vacuum Cleaner, etc.

Video & Audio

TV, Headphones, Soundbar, Cameras, MP3/MP4 Players, Audio systems, etc.


Desktop, Laptop, Printers, Game Consoles, Scanners, Drivers, etc.

Mobile & Tablets

Cellphones, GPS, Touch Pads, Bluetooth Headsets, etc.


Cars, Motorcycles, Scooters, Trucks, Tractors, Boats, Caravanas, etc.

Tools & Gardening

Drill, Screwdriver, Sander, Compressor, Chainsaw, Hedge Trimmer, etc.

Hygiene & Beauty

Hair Dryer, Electric Toothbrush, Razor and Hair Trimmer, Hair Straightener, etc.